No. Look Down There.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Ellis & Lo

We hear that three year olds are sometines hostile, jealous, or apathetic to their newborn siblings. Ellis is NOT that kind of 3 year old.

Lowell in her Big Blue Chair

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Lowell Avery Gibson

Lowell Avery Gibson arrived at 4:08 PM on Friday, October 27, 2006. We are blessed and overjoyed.

At the time of arrival, baby Lowell was mad as hell and let everyone in the room know about it. She is a sleepy, happy baby now. Everyone came home from the hospital today and Anna is doing very well.

Ellis wanted to do two things upon meeting her sister for the first time. First, she asked, "Daddy, can I pet her?" (Anna is allergic to puppies and kittens so infants will just have to do). Then, she wanted to check out Mommy's belly.

Ellis is very, very excited and busy. She has already changed a diaper and monitored a feeding ("Mommy, she is biting your arm.").

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Wait Continues

Ellis was nine days late. This one is coming at her own pace too.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


This is Ellis.
This is me.
This is what Ellis sometimes calls 'Linda' or 'Inapoo Saladpert'
This is Pastor Tengue.

We shall post pictures of Ellis and Secret Name #2 to this site. When Secret Name #2 decides to stop beating up her mother in utero and start working her over outside the womb, then we shall stop calling her Secret Name #2 and just call her Linda or Inapoo Saladpert like Ellis does.

This baby shall come no later than October 27th. Please watch this site carefully.